OTTY Sleep News & Blog

origin mattress, otty sleep

"Origin Mattress Exposed: The Reality Behind 'I...

Origin Sleep  As we continue to uncover the questionable practices within the mattress industry, it appears that Emma Sleep is not alone in its approach to operating deceptive comparison websites....

"Origin Mattress Exposed: The Reality Behind 'I...

Origin Sleep  As we continue to uncover the questionable practices within the mattress industry, it appears that Emma Sleep is not alone in its approach to operating deceptive comparison websites....

Plants for Better Sleep & Better Mental Health

Plants for Better Sleep & Better Mental Health

Can plants help you sleep better? You betcha. Having them around promotes relaxation and they come with other benefits too. Find out here...

Plants for Better Sleep & Better Mental Health

Can plants help you sleep better? You betcha. Having them around promotes relaxation and they come with other benefits too. Find out here...

otty sleep,

What happens when we sleep?

Amazing but true: we can live for longer without food than we can without sleep. But, while we have a better grasp of diet, the mind has always been something...

What happens when we sleep?

Amazing but true: we can live for longer without food than we can without sleep. But, while we have a better grasp of diet, the mind has always been something...

Get Squeaky Clean this Laundry Day

Get Squeaky Clean this Laundry Day

We’ll take a look at the history of laundry and how exactly you should be doing your laundry, specifically looking at bedroom items like bed sheets, duvets, and mattresses.

Get Squeaky Clean this Laundry Day

We’ll take a look at the history of laundry and how exactly you should be doing your laundry, specifically looking at bedroom items like bed sheets, duvets, and mattresses.

Research revealed on radio

OTTY Sleep Research: Revealed

In celebration of National Bed Month and World Sleep Day, we recently conducted research to discover the most common sleeping habits of the nation. Revealing our findings via interviews across...

OTTY Sleep Research: Revealed

In celebration of National Bed Month and World Sleep Day, we recently conducted research to discover the most common sleeping habits of the nation. Revealing our findings via interviews across...

Image dipicting person sleeping taking advantage of the extra hour in bed on her OTTY mattress.

An Extra hour in Bed Everyday - but why do the ...

Year on year, we’ve become accustomed to the fact that the clocks ‘fall back’ in October, but why exactly is this? Maybe the person who started doing this just wanted...

An Extra hour in Bed Everyday - but why do the ...

Year on year, we’ve become accustomed to the fact that the clocks ‘fall back’ in October, but why exactly is this? Maybe the person who started doing this just wanted...